Intesa Sanpaolo  Ufficio Money Market Euro e Sistemi di Pagamento – Direzione Centrale Tesoreria e Finanza di Gruppo

Contact person for Intesa Sanpaolo in the "Euro Money Market & Payment Systems" Office on the main institutional projects concerning the European Payment Systems and liquidity management (T2-T2S Consolidation, Target2 Securities, Instant Payments, etc…).

Since 2001, Project Manager and Prime Contact for CLS System (FX settlement) in Intesa Sanpaolo. "Operational Risk Manager" with functions of monitoring and testing the Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery processes of the payments area.

Member of some national and international contact groups:

- "IT NSG AMI-SeCo" and "IT NSG AMI-Pay" (Bank of Italy/ Eurosystem);

- “Target Consolidation Contact Group” and “Euro CLS Group” (ECB);

- “Treasury and Liquidity Group” (EBA Clearing)

- “Target Working Group” (as Alternate) (EBF).

Member of the “Money Market Commission” and “Training Committee” of ASSIOM FOREX Italy.


Conferenze edizione corrente

Data Conferenza
04-10-2019 alle 09:30 Parallela C2 - T2/T2S consolidation